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Montgomery County News, Arkansas - MCNews.online

CADC to distribute food boxes July 1

Central Arkansas Development CouncilMontgomery and Pike County residents are just a short drive to Saline County away from 50 pounds of free food thanks to the CADC.

Central Arkansas Development Council (CADC) whose mission is to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty, to help vulnerable populations achieve their potential, and to build strong communities in Arkansas through community action will be holding an emergency food distribution in Saline County at the Saline County Fairgrounds on July 1, 2020. Food boxes will contain over 50 pounds of food, including meat, beans and vegetables. Central Arkansas Development Council hopes that by holding this distribution, we can alleviate some of the uncertainties many in the community are currently facing at this time. Customers will be asked to show I.D. and will be limited to one box per family. Families will have to meet income eligibility guidelines to qualify. Distributions will occur beginning at 9:00 AM until supplies run out. Anyone living in CADC’s service area is eligible to participate in the food distribution including those living in Calhoun, Clark, Columbia, Dallas, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Lonoke, Miller, Montgomery, Nevada, Ouachita, Pike, Pulaski, Saline, Sevier, and Union Counties.

CADC would like to invite all news and media outlets to join and share in this event as we intend to bring joy, happiness, and much needed supplies to families across Arkansas during this pandemic. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Ghandi.

Founded in 1965, Central Arkansas Development Council is a private nonprofit community action agency operating in 19 counties in the state of Arkansas. CADC is a local force in the War on Poverty providing a hand-up, promoting self-help in our neighborhoods and for our families. We are committed to providing opportunities for empowerment for individuals, families and communities. For more information on the distribution, visit our website at www.cadc.com, or contact your local CADC office.

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