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2020 Arkansas State Fair schedule released

LITTLE ROCK (Oct. 13, 2020) — The 2020 Arkansas State Fair will soon welcome livestock, talent and pageant competitors from across the state for 10 days of competition. The Arkansas State Fair Board announced earlier this year that aside from these two attractions, the 2020 event was being cancelled out of an abundance of caution over public health issues related to the coronavirus. 

“I think it is safe to say that the 2020 State Fair is the most unique in the event’s long history,” said Doug White, Arkansas State Fair president. “Despite the unconventional nature of this year’s Arkansas State Fair, we are very pleased to host the Junior Livestock Show, State Fair Pageant and Talent competitions and their participants.

Competitors qualified for the State Fair field at county and/or regional events. In the case of pageants and talent, many also had a virtual component to their 2020 State Fair competition experience.

“Our number one priority is to put public health and safety above all other considerations,” White said. “We have implemented stringent safeguards and protocols for these events, including social distancing, wearing masks, limiting attendees and spacing of events to allow for thorough cleaning of required buildings.” 

State Fair administration has developed an extensive logistics plan to limit the number of people and animals on the grounds at any given time. Attendance by the general public is not allowed and competitors’ family members are limited in number to help maintain social distancing. Masks are required in all areas and strict cleanliness in barns and competition areas will be observed.

The 2020 Arkansas State Fair runs Oct. 14-24 at the State Fairgrounds in Little Rock 


2020 Arkansas State Fair            


Thursday, Oct. 15 

9 am                 Lamb Showmanship (Market & Wether Dam)                     Swine Barn 

1 pm                 Jr. Wether Dam Lambs                                                                 Swine Barn 

3:30 pm           Arkansas Bred Lambs                                                                 Swine Barn 



Friday, Oct. 16

9 am                 Market Lambs                                                                                Swine Barn 

                           Jr. Boer Goats followed by Showmanship                             Goat Center 

2:30 pm           Jr. Beef Showmanship                                                                 Equestrian Center 

5 pm                 Bred & Owned Jr. Breeding Beef                                             Equestrian Center 



Saturday, Oct. 17  

9 am                     Jr. Non-Brahman Influenced Breeding Cattle                                   Equestrian Center 

Supreme Drives                                              

10:30am             Jr. Broilers/Commercial Poultry                                                          Poultry Barn 

1 pm                     Goat Showmanship (Market & Wether Dam)                                  Swine Barn 

3:30 pm              Jr. Wether Dam Goats                                                                               Swine Barn 

6 pm                     Arkansas Bred Wethers                                                                           Swine Barn 



Sunday, Oct. 18 

8 am                     Market Goats                                                                                               Swine Barn 



Monday, Oct. 19 

8 am                     Jr. Breeding Sheep followed by Showmanship                                Goat Center 

2:30 pm              Market Hog Showmanship                                                                     Swine Barn 



Tuesday, Oct. 20 

8 am                     Market Breed Hogs

Lightweight Crossbred Market Hogs                                                    Swine Barn 

4 pm                     Steer and Commercial Heifer Showmanship (combined)           Equestrian Center 



Wednesday, Oct. 21 

9 am                     Commercial Heifers                                                                                Equestrian Center 

1:30 pm              Market Steers                                                                                             Equestrian Center 

4 pm                     Market Hog Showmanship                                                                     Swine Barn 


2020 Junior Livestock Show 



Thursday, Oct. 22 

8 am                     Crossbred Market Hogs (231-280 lbs)                                Swine Barn 

2 pm                     Jr. Market Rabbits                                                                                      Rabbit Barn 


Friday, Oct. 23 

8:30 am               Jr. Poultry                                                                                                     Poultry Barn 

                              Youth Dairy Goats & Showmanship                                                    Goat Center 

9 am                     Jr. Exhibition Breed Rabbits                                                                   Rabbit Barn 

                              (State Fair Junior Show followed by ARBA Junior Point Show) 

10 am                  Poultry Showmanship                                                                             Poultry Barn 

4 pm                     Jr. Beef Showmanship                                                                              Equestrian Center 

5:30 pm*            Bred & Owned Jr. Breeding Beef                                                          Equestrian Center 


*Or, 30 minutes after conclusion of Jr. Beef Showmanship    


Saturday, Oct. 24 

8 am                     Breeding Swine Showmanship                                                             Swine Barn 

                              Breeding Gilt Show                                                                                     

                              (Jr. Purebreds/Commercial Gilts/Supreme Champion Drive)  

9 am                     Brahman Influenced Breeding Beef/Supreme Drives                   Equestrian Center  

4 pm*                  Dairy Cattle (Ring A and Ring B)                                                          Equestrian Center 

                              Supreme Champion Drive

                               Jr. Dairy Cattle Showmanship 


*Or, immediately following Breeding Beef show                                                        


2020 Arkansas State Fair 

Oct. 24, 2020 

10:30 a.m.          State Fair Queen Finals                                                                        Arkansas Building  

                              Miss Arkansas State Fair 

                              Junior Miss Arkansas State Fair 

                               Ms. Arkansas State Fair 

                              Sr. Ms. Arkansas State Fair 


1:30 p.m.           Talent Competition Finals                                                                   Arkansas Building 

                              Fuller Family Junior Talent Division 

                              Coleman Family Senior Talent Division 



Both events to be broadcast via Facebook Live. 

Portions of the pageant/talent competition in each division were completed virtually, at an earlier date. 

Pageant contestants appearing live on stage represent the top five among all county pageant winners.  

Talent show winners have also won at the county level and will be vying for Grand Champion status and associated cash prize. 

All told, $120,000 in scholarship and prize money will be awarded to pageant and talent winners. 

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