Montgomery County News, Arkansas -

Forest Service Issues Final Decision on future of Albert Pike Recreation Area

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. – Dec. 16, 2021 — Ouachita National Forest officials released a Final Decision Notice on the future use of the Albert Pike Recreation Area located near Langley, Ark., today. 


The decision outlines the type of changes that will be implemented at the recreation area, which includes removing facilities.  


“The decision provides a safe, well-maintained facility with year-round sustainable Day-Use recreation opportunities including swimming, picnicking, and fishing,” said Caddo-Womble District Ranger, Amanda Gee.  “The Day-Use area will be opened to the public once a vault toilet has been installed.”


Photo courtesy of US Forest Service

The recreation area will continue to be Day-Use only, with no overnight camping permitted. Infrastructure will be decommissioned in some areas and allowed to return to natural conditions. Other changes that will be implemented include the adaptive reuse of Loop D to provide Day Use parking facilities. Loops are smaller camping spots within a campground. 


The Final Decision can be found on the Ouachita National Forest website at:


For more information, call the Caddo-Womble District office at (870) 867-2101 or by email to:



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